02.02.2014: Welcome

Hi, I’m Lottie, and this is my wordpress blog. I’ve had a few different blogs over the years, skipping on and off wordpress, because I never really thought I had something to blog about. Until The Realization. The Realization five minutes ago that of course I have something to blog about; I love books. Films. Music. I have so many different opinions. Of course I have something to blog about!

So, welcome to my (hopefully) humerous yet (hopefully) intelligent brain-spewing waffle about stuff I like. And stuff I hate. And… stuff. Yay for stuff!

One thought on “02.02.2014: Welcome

  1. Welcome and good luck! Blogging can be extremely rewarding. I just started a few months ago, and my biggest advice is this: You get out what you put in. Follow blogs, like posts, leave meaningful comments and you will make some wonderful friends in the WordPress community.

    Good luck and have fun!

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