Review: Magnetic Nail Varnish


Firstly, I haven’t done a review in ages, so apologies about that – what with revision and an increasingly hectic school load, I just haven’t had time to review anything or even draft anything up. So. Magnetic nail varnish – nope, it doesn’t do cool things like holding your cutlery for you, attracting pins or (thankfully) cars. It also (shouldn’t) set off any security alarms… Magnetic nail varnish has its name because it is a type of nail varnish that turns into a pattern when you wave the weak magnet attached to the lid over it. And by “wave”, I actually mean hold it in place for a few seconds.

Magnetic nail varnish is fairly new in terms of nail-decorating devices, or the newest type that can actually be bought at the moment, anyway – who knows what the scientists are coming up with right now?

I’ve done plenty of stuff with various crackle nail varnish, both crocodile and shatter types, but this is my first attempt at magnetic. It doesn’t look too bad, and only took two attempts (the first because I didn’t read the instructions, hehe). The nail varnish has a beautiful, metallic-like colour to it. I don’t know the exact science behind it, but I’m guessing it has something to do with positive and negatively charged parts of the nail varnish.

I might be wrong, I’m only doing science at GCSE level at the moment.

Anyway, magnetic nail varnish can be obtained from several different places. I suspect general nail varnish suppliers such as Boots might sell them, but the place mine were bought from is this website – the link is to the exact shade and pattern I used.

I should, I suppose, mention that at this stage these reviews aren’t sponsored by anyone, so although in this case I have the exact brand (and colour) of magnetic nail varnish, most of my reviews are much more general. In other words, no one is paying me to say they’re amazing – but they are amazing, and with a bit of practise, I think they have a lot of potential to look pretty.

If you want to have a look at the types of magnetic nail varnish, you can visit the website here.

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