Review: Retrica

20140306-180032.jpg Retrica: a new photo editing app that I have discovered to be very useful, much like Rookie. Apparently it’s often used on social networking sites like Instagram, but I found it by browsing through top apps on the App Store.

The best part? It’s free, and although it does leave a small watermark and doesn’t have all features unlocked, it has some very good features that Rookie doesn’t have.

Firstly, the shuffle button. This allows you to switch through effects.

Secondly, then fading edges can be switched on and off.

And finally, precise control over the colour and size of the boarder.

I’ve included some sample screenshots, as usual.



Overall? A good photo editing app allowing you to filter images as you take them rather than afterwards. A good rating from me.

I will be using this app for the front picture of my Game Of Thrones review which will be coming soon.

03.01.2014: What should I review?

My articles are mostly about reviewing a mixture of all different things… Is there anything you would like to see reviewed? Share your thoughts, and I’ll try to review as many as possible.

The types of books I am willing to review are teenager/young adult and also high/low fantasy (for example, Robin Hobb). I also read books such as The Hunger Games, Pretties series, Divergent etc. I’ll review websites especially to do with writing and writing resources (nothing that requires a download, please) and I will may review other things which I can’t think of right now. So, pop a suggestion in the comments and I’ll see if I can review it. (If I do, I’ll mention it in the article that you requested it with a link to your wordpress blog).